Is the content of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” gory? What’s going on in the first scene of episode 1?

Looking at the reviews of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite”, it has been criticized for containing cruel and gory scenes.

Before watching the anime adaptation of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite”, some people may be curious about what the original manga is about and how gory it is.

The start of the “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” manga and anime promotional video features a shocking scene where something is being put in someone’s mouth, which leaves people wondering what’s going on.

So this time, we’ve looked into the following things about the content of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite”.

  • Is the content of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” gory?
  • “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” What is happening in the first scene of episode 1?

We’d like to present you with an article titled “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite”.


Is the content of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” gory?

The content of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” often contains gory scenes.

This is because “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” depicts how those who study the heliocentric theory are subjected to severe torture, assault, and execution by the Inquisition.

Let me give you some specific examples.

  • Torture scene in which fingernails are peeled off one by one while arms are held down (vol. 1, chapter 1)
  • Crucified and burned alive (vol. 1, chapter 1)
  • Torture scene using a torture device that opens the mouth (vol. 3, chapter 31)
  • A girl has her teeth pulled out with pliers (vol. 5, chapter 33)
  • A hanging scene (vol. 5, chapter 34)
  • A scene in which both arms are amputated during a fight over documents on the heliocentric theory (vol. 6, chapter 42)
  • A scene in which an arm is blown off by an explosion (vol. 7, chapter 48)
  • A scene in which a person is killed with a knife (vol. 1, chapter 3/vol. 8, chapter 61)

However, the main content of “Chi.” is the story of people who gazed at the starry sky and risked their lives to study the heliocentric theory.

It’s not a gruesome theme.

However, gory scenes and content are also important elements in expressing the content of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite”.

So, there are gory scenes and content, and I expect that they will be expressed to some extent in the anime.

What is happening in the first scene of episode 1 of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite”?

What is happening in the first scene of episode 1 of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite”?

The first scene of episode 1 of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” shows an inquisitor torturing a person researching the heliocentric theory using a torture device called the “Pear of Anguish.”

Inquisitor Novak describes the torture device “Pear of Anguish” in Volume 1, Chapter 4 as follows:

This is still a prototype in the development stage, but it’s called the “Pear of Agony.” When you turn the screw, the “pear” opens up like this. If this thing rotates in your mouth four times, your cheek will split and you won’t be able to speak for a year.

The “pear” refers to the part that is in the mouth of the man on the left,

and the “screw” refers to the part that the man on the right is holding in his right hand.

This torture scene has a similar composition to Volume 5, Chapter 31.

So, if we take the first scene of episode 1 of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” to be the content of volume 5, chapter 31,

it is the scene where Inquisitor Novak tortures Okji, who appears in volume 2 and is researching the heliocentric theory,

to make him reveal the location of the documents.

Does the gruesome “Pear of Agony” described in “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” actually exist?

The gruesome torture device featured in “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite”, the “Pear of Agony”, is a real thing.

The exhibition will take place at the Medieval Crime Museum in Rothenburg, Germany.

Located in the city of Rothenburg, this museum mainly exhibits the methods of execution and punishment that were actually used in Rothenburg.

Does the gruesome "Pear of Agony" described in “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” actually exist?
reference source:

The “pear of agony” is described as a tool that opens the inside of the mouth, splitting the teeth and eventually shattering the jaw.

So while the content of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” is fiction, it does depict real torture devices.

Why is “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” a gruesome torture scene?

The reason why a gruesome torture scene was used at the beginning of “Chi.” was to create an impact.

When asked why he put it on the first page of chapter 1, author Uoto said the following.

I guess it’s morbid curiosity, or maybe something gruesome is going to catch people’s attention.

He explains that he chose the torture scene at the beginning to create an impactful eye-catcher.

Therefore, the content of the first scene of episode 1 of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” was chosen as an impactful eye-catcher.


Thank you for reading “Is the content of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” gory? What’s going on in the first scene of episode 1?” to the end.

This time, I’ve summarized the contents of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite”.

  • The content of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” is not themed on gore, but rather includes gruesome scenes of torture, assault, and execution as important elements of the story.
  • The first scene of episode 1 of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” shows an Inquisitor using the torture device “Pear of Anguish” to torture a researcher of the heliocentric theory.
  • The content of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” is fiction, but the torture device “Pear of Anguish” is real.
  • The first scene of episode 1 of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” was chosen as an impactful eye-catcher.

The content of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” is about celestial bodies.

There are also beautiful depictions of looking up at celestial bodies!

There are some gruesome scenes, but on the other hand, it’s a work that you will want to enjoy for its beautiful depictions!


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