“Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” Where is the P Kingdom and what is the C Religion? Why is the heliocentric theory persecuted?

The TV anime “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” is about to start airing!

The setting for the movement of the Earth in “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” is the P Kingdom.

Aren’t you curious about where the P Kingdom is set in “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” and what it is modeled after or what the C religion is?

And before the anime airs, you’re also probably curious about the historical facts behind the persecution of those who support the heliocentric theory.

So, this time we’ve put together the following information about the content of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite”, the P Kingdom.

  • Where is the P Kingdom in “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” and what is the C religion?
  • Why is the heliocentric theory persecuted in “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite”?

We will be delivering this article titled ““Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” Where is the P Kingdom and what is the C Religion? Why is the heliocentric theory persecuted?”


Where is P Kingdom, the setting of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite”?

The Kingdom of P, where “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” is set, is thought to be Poland.

There are three reasons for this.

  • Albert Brzewski, a real person who appears in the final volume, was born in Brzewa, Poland.
  • In the final volume, the setting, which had previously been written as the Kingdom of P, was specified as the Kingdom of Poland. It is difficult to imagine that the setting changed significantly.
  • The name of an important character, Nowak, who appears as an inquisitor, is the most common Polish name, “Nowak.”

However, it is likely written as Kingdom of P to emphasize that it is fiction and not historical fact.

From the above, the Kingdom of P, where “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” is set, is thought to be “Poland.”

What is the C religion of the P kingdom of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite”?

“Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” The C Church of the Kingdom of P is a fictional church that believes that the geocentric theory is correct, and inquisitors torture and punish those who study the heliocentric theory, which goes against the geocentric theory.

Regarding C religion, the author said:

The story is set in 15th century Europe, a place dominated by a religion called Cultism.

However, nothing else about C Church has been revealed.

By calling it “C Church”, it is thought that they are emphasizing that it is a fictional, imaginary church.

So, C Church in the “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite”P Kingdom is a fictional church that believes that the geocentric theory is correct, and where inquisitors torture and punish those who study the heliocentric theory.

What is the model for the C religion of the P Kingdom in “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite”?

“Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite The model for the C religion in the P Kingdom is expected to be Christianity.

Keeping in mind that it is a fictional church, here are the reasons why we predict that C Church of the “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite”P Kingdom” is Christian.

As mentioned above, if we assume that the story takes place in Poland, the religion in Poland is Catholicism, a branch of Christianity, which accounts for approximately 88% of the population.

In fact, in Europe around the 15th century, the Christian geocentric theory that the Earth is the center of the universe was common knowledge, while the heliocentric theory that the Sun is the center of the universe and the Earth revolves around the Sun while rotating on its axis was considered heretical.

Christianity is “Christianity” in English and “Chrześcijaństwo” in Polish, and the first letter is “C”.

Therefore, it is predicted that the C religion of the “Chi.”P Kingdom is Christianity.

Why is the heliocentric theory persecuted in the P Kingdom of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite”?

The reason why the heliocentric theory is persecuted in the P Kingdom in “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” is because the world is depicted as one in which a church called C Religion controls people’s minds and even science.

Under the C religion of the Kingdom of P, the geocentric theory was considered correct, and the heliocentric theory, which contradicted the geocentric theory, was considered heretical.

Because the teachings of the C religion were given more importance than scientific evidence, the heliocentric theory was persecuted in the Kingdom of P in Chi.

And in the interrogation scene in Volume 1, Chapter 3, Novak, the inquisitor of the C religion,

“I cannot tolerate research that disturbs the peace of this world…. I will do whatever it takes to protect the daily ‘faith’ and ‘lifestyle’ of my family and friends.”

We can see that C Church controls Novak’s mind.

The heliocentric theory, which goes against C Church’s beliefs, was persecuted because it was thought to be a source of disturbance to peace.

The reason why the heliocentric theory is persecuted in the P Kingdom is because the world is depicted as one in which a church called C Religion controls people’s minds and even science.

What is the historical truth behind the heliocentric theory that is persecuted in the P Kingdom of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite”?

Regarding the heliocentric theory that is persecuted in the Kingdom of P in “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite”, it is said that there is no historical record of the extreme persecution depicted in the main story.

Regarding the persecution of the heliocentric theory, the author also says the following:

It seems like there was oppression, but in actual fact, the heliocentric theory was apparently not persecuted to that extent.

However, it is true that historically, ideas that went against geocentrism were a threat to the church.

The Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus proposed the heliocentric theory.
His book “On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres” was banned by the Catholic Church in 1616.
Furthermore, he had no intention of making his work public during his lifetime.
It is thought that Copernicus, a Catholic, felt a sense of crisis about publishing the heretical idea of ​​the heliocentric theory.

Jorda Bruno, an Italian, proposed the theory of an infinite universe based on Copernicus’ heliocentric theory.
Jorda Bruno was burned at the stake in Rome by the Catholic Church in 1600.
However, it is said that he was burned at the stake not because he advocated the heliocentric theory, but because he stated that “the Earth is not special in the universe.”

Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei proved Copernicus’s heliocentric theory.
However, he was put on trial twice and found to be a heretic in 1633.
His book Dialogues Concerning the Heavenly Father was also placed on the Index of Prohibited Books and publication was banned. He was not executed, but was reportedly placed under house arrest.

In conclusion, regarding the heliocentric theory that is persecuted in the Kingdom of P in “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite”, there is no record of the extreme persecution depicted in the main story.

However, there is historical evidence that ideas that go against the geocentric theory were a threat to the church and were banned.


Thank you for watching ““Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” Where is the P Kingdom and what is the C Religion? Why is the heliocentric theory persecuted?” until the end.

This time, I’ve summarized the P Kingdom of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite”.

  • The P Kingdom, where “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” is set, is thought to be “Poland.”
  • The C Religion in the P Kingdom of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” is a fictional church that believes the geocentric theory is correct, and inquisitors torture and punish those who research the heliocentric theory that goes against the geocentric theory.
  • The reason heliocentric theory is persecuted in the P Kingdom of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” is because the world is depicted as one in which the church C Religion controls people’s minds and even science.

It will be interesting to see how the P Kingdom’s C Religion will be portrayed when “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” is adapted into an anime!


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