When did the cat first appear in the Dandadan ending? Is the beckoning cat actually Turbo Granny?

The popular manga “Dandadan”, which was made into an anime in October 2024, is also attracting attention for its ending theme, which is performed by Zutto Mayonaka de Iinoni.

A cat appears in the ending theme of Dandadan, and some people may be wondering which episode in the anime this cat appears in, and which volume and chapter in the manga it appears in.

We will also explain the true identity of the maneki-neko (beckoning cat) in the ending theme of Dandadan, and why it takes the form of a maneki-neko (beckoning cat).

So, this time we have summarized the following about the cat in the ending theme of Dandadan.

  • When did the cat in the Dandadan ending first appear?
  • Is the beckoning cat in the Dandadan ending actually Turbo Granny?

We’ll be bringing you an article titled “When did the cat first appear in the Dandadan ending? Is the beckoning cat actually Turbo Granny?”


When did the cat first appear in Dandadan ED?

The cat’s first appearance in the Dandadan ending comes after the conclusion of the battle between Turbo Granny and Okarun.

Let’s take a look at the appearance of the cat in the Dandadan ending in both the anime and manga.

Which episode of the anime does the cat appear in the Dandadan ending?

The cat in the Dandadan ending credits is thought to make its appearance in the fifth episode of the anime, “Where’s Tama?”.

This is because a maneki-neko appears in the preview for episode 5 of the fourth episode of the Dandadan anime, “Let’s Blow Away Turbo Granny,” which will be aired on October 24th.

Also, when compared to the main story of the Dandadan manga, this is the episode where the maneki-neko appears after the story of the anime’s episode 4, “Let’s blow away Turbo Granny.”

Therefore, based on the content of the main story of the anime’s episode 4 and the preview, it seems likely that the cat in the Dandadan ending will appear in the anime’s episode 5, “Where’s Tama?”

Is the beckoning cat in the Dandadan ending actually Turbo Granny?

The true identity of the maneki-neko in the Dandadan ending is Turbo Granny.

This is because Seiko sealed Turbo Granny’s consciousness into the maneki-neko, and they became partners in helping to get Okarun’s balls back.

After the battle with Okarun and the others, Turbo Granny remained inside Okarun’s body and was unable to rest in peace.

Seiko intended to exorcise the Turbo Granny inside Okarun and transfer her to the maneki-neko so that she could rest in peace.

However, only Turbo Granny’s consciousness was transferred to the maneki-neko, and her spiritual power remained in Okarun.

And because Seiko’s power is needed to return Turbo Granny’s consciousness and spiritual power, and Turbo Granny is needed to get Okarun’s lost balls back, they became partners.

So, the true identity of the cat in the Dandadan ending is Turbo Granny, whose consciousness was sealed into a beckoning cat by Hoshiko, and who becomes her partner in helping to get Okarun’s balls back in the form of a beckoning cat.

What is the relationship between the kitten in Dandadan ED and the beckoning cat?

The kitten in Dandadan ED is a stray cat that was being looked after by Maneki Neko (Turbo Granny).

This is because the bonus manga in volume 7 of the book depicts an abandoned gray kitten being cared for by Turbo Granny.

And although the episode with Turbo Granny and the kitten isn’t mentioned in the manga app Jump Plus, I think there’s a chance it could be depicted in the anime.

I can think of three reasons for this:

  • Because she appears in the ending
  • Because it’s a popular episode among Dandadan fans
  • Because the author, Yukinobu Tatsu, didn’t want to portray everyone as the bad guy, and the story shows Turbo Granny’s gentler side

So, the kitten in the ending of Dandadan is a stray cat that Turbo Granny took care of in an episode in the bonus manga in volume 7 of the manga.

How long will the Dandadan ED cat continue to appear?

The maneki-neko from the Dandadan ending appears in chapter 165, “Balls Complete,” which is released early on the manga app Jump Plus.

This is because, when Okarun’s balls were retrieved, the spiritual power of Turbo Granny that was inside Okarun’s body was returned to Turbo Granny.

And now that she’s been freed, Turbo Granny leaves Okarun and the others in the form of a beckoning cat.

So the beckoning cat from the Dandadan ending appears until episode 165, “Balls Complete,” in which Okarun gets his balls back and Turbo Granny regains her spiritual powers.

However, as she is an essential character to Dandadan’s popularity, it will be exciting to see if she makes a reappearance.


Thank you for watching “When did the cat first appear in the Dandadan ending? Is the beckoning cat actually Turbo Granny?”

This time, I’ve put together some information about cats with Dandadan ED.

  • The cat in the Dandadan ending is thought to appear in episode 5.
  • The beckoning cat is actually Turbo Granny.

Keep an eye on Turbo Granny in her beckoning cat form, as she will play a major role in Okarun and the others’ growth!


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