What is the meaning and origin of the title Dandadan? When will the title be resolved?

Dandadan is a popular manga that has been serialized on Shonen Jump+ since 2021.

The title of Dandadan has been a hot topic since the beginning of the series, and social media was excited when it was revealed that the title would be resolved in chapter 163, which was released on Jump+ on July 30, 2024.

Based on the title resolution in chapter 163, we will consider what the meaning of the title of Dandadan is and where it originates from.

And some of you may be wondering when the title of Dandadan will be resolved.

So, this time we have summarized the following about the title of Dandadan.

  • What is the meaning and origin of the Dandadan title?
  • When will the Dandadan title be resolved?

We’ll be bringing you an article titled “What is the meaning and origin of the title Dandadan? When will the title be resolved?”


What is the meaning and origin of the title Dandadan?

The meaning and origin of the title Dandadan has not yet been officially revealed (as of the latest chapter, chapter 174).

Until now, there has been speculation that it is the music from The Terminator, or that it is based on Anpanman’s Dadandan.

However, the word “Dandadan” appeared for the first time in chapter 163 of Jump+, making it clear that the title Dandadan has a meaning related to the story.

So, let’s consider the meaning and origin of the title Dandadan, which has yet to be revealed.

An analysis of the meaning of the Dandadan title!

I believe the title Dandadan refers to a world where humans are connected to monsters and UMA.

From the mandala diagram in chapter 163 and the double-page spread that reads “Have you heard of Dandadan?” and “We pursue the ‘truth’ of the world…!” there are two reasons why I think the title Dandadan refers to a world where humans are connected to monsters and UMA.

The story of Dandadan begins with Okarun and Momo discussing whether they believe in UMA and spirits. It also follows how Okarun and his friends come to understand each other as they battle the unknown world and UMA and other monsters. The story of Dandadan, in which different beings interact and expand each other’s worldviews, can be considered a symbol of the intention to get closer to the truth of the world.

A mandala is “a representation of the essence of the universe through the arrangement of various Buddhas, making it possible to grasp it sensorily and phenomenally” (Quote: Koyasan Reihokan website). It symbolizes the fundamental structure and connections of the world. The inclusion of this mandala suggests that Dandadan is not simply a story about the conflict between monsters or UMA and humans, but rather contains the theme of different beings connecting with each other.

I have speculated that the word Dandadan refers to the concept of mandala connections.

However, it is possible that in the world of the story, the mandala depicted in chapter 163 itself could refer to something called Dandadan.

So, I have speculated that the title Dandadan refers to a world where humans are connected to monsters and UMA based on the concept of mandalas.

An examination of the origin of the Dandadan title!

The origin of the title Dandadan may be closely related to Buddhist elements.

This is because the mandala painting in the aforementioned 163rd story is related to Buddhism, and there are words related to Buddhism such as “Dandain” (Danda mudra) and “Danda Jizoson” (Danda Jizo statue).

  • Danda Mudra: One of the hand signs in Buddhism, Danda Mudra is particularly used by Daiitoku Myo-o.
    Daiitoku Myo-o is said to be strong enough to defeat Enma in hell, and represents the power to exorcise and protect from evil.
  • Danda Jizo: A Jizo statue that saves people suffering in hell.

The creator, Yukinobu Tatsu, had this to say about the yokai in an interview with MANTANWEB:

When I listen to various ghost stories, I find that monsters and spirits were originally human beings, and they didn’t become what they wanted to be. So they don’t feel like villains. I think they are people who are struggling with their own conflicts.

Within Dandadan, there are also scenes that depict monsters with sad pasts and those that are saved after a battle.

One particularly memorable scene in Dandadan is when the reconciled monsters and humans like Okarun eat a meal together.

I think it is connected to the Danda-in and Danda Jizo, who exorcise evil, provide relief, and protect each other when necessary.

I speculate that “Dandadan” may be a strange “talk” that is a tale of the coexistence of humans, monsters, and aliens.

Therefore, I think the title Dandadan may come from a conversation that adds the sound and meaning of Buddhist elements such as “Danda-in.”

However, the fact that it is written in katakana makes it an interesting title that suggests the title Dandadan may have multiple meanings.

When will Dandadan get his title back?

The title of Dandadan has not yet been resolved in the manga.

Chapter 163, where the word Dandadan first appears in the story, is the currently on sale 17th volume, which contains up to chapter 147. Since there are approximately 9 chapters in each volume, it is likely that Dandadan will be included in volume 19 of the manga.


Thank you for reading to the end of “What is the meaning and origin of the title Dandadan? When will the title be resolved?”

This time, I have summarized the title of Dandadan.

  • It is speculated that the title of Dandadan refers to a world where humans are connected to monsters and UMA through the concept of mandalas.
  • It is speculated that the title of Dandadan comes from a conversation that adds sound and meaning to the handwriting of the Danda-in.
  • The title of Dandadan has not yet been explained in the manga.

The 163rd episode was an intriguing title resolution, with the full details not being revealed.

I’m looking forward to finding out when Dandadan’s title will be resolved and what the truth behind the title is.


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