Was the final episode of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” bad? Rumors of cancellation and spoilers about the ending!

The anime “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” began airing in October 2024.

Now that the original manga for “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” has concluded, there are comments online saying that the final episode was terrible and incomprehensible.

There’s also the intriguing rumor that “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” was canceled.

We’ll also explain the conclusion of the final episode of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite”.

So, this time we’ve summarized the following things about the final episode of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite”

  • Was the final episode of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” bad?
  • Rumors about the cancellation of the final episode of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” and spoilers about the ending!

We’d like to bring you an article titled “Was the final episode of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” bad? Rumors of cancellation and spoilers about the ending!”


Was the final episode of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” bad?

There are two reasons why people say the final episode of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” is terrible and incomprehensible.

  • I don’t know who Rafal is when he reappears in the final episode of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite”
  • The ending of the final episode of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” is confusing and the characters are ambiguous, which is terrible.

The cover of the final volume of the manga “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” has a different design from volumes 1 to 7.

From this, it seems the author is implying that the final episode will be a little different from the story so far.

However, it seems that many readers were unable to keep up with the sudden developments.

“Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” Didn’t Rafal die in the final episode?

In the final episode of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite”, the boy Rafal, who was supposed to have died in volume 1, appears as a young man.

This leaves many readers confused and asking, “Wasn’t Rafal dead?”

However, the author has not revealed the true identity of the reappearing Rafal.

The prevailing theory is that the final episode was set in a parallel world where the boy Rafal from volume 1 was still alive.

Is the ending of the final episode of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” difficult to understand?

The ending of the final episode of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” is terrible and confusing for readers.

  • The fact that it ended with Albert Brzewski suddenly appearing in the final episode
  • The fact that it ended in a way that made it seem like the story was still continuing

It seems that way.

But “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” does not have a consistent protagonist to begin with.

The central theme of the story has always been

“how people who are fascinated by the knowledge of the heliocentric theory are risking their lives to pass on this knowledge.”

And the protagonist of the final episode is a real person named Albert Bruzewski who suddenly appears.

At the end of the final episode of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite”, the story of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” comes to an end, but the appearance of the real person Bruzewski connects it to historical facts that have been told in history since then, so it ends with the feeling that the story is continuing.

Was the final episode of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” cancelled?

In X, it has been said that the final episode of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” felt like it was cancelled.

However, the final episode of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” will not be cancelled.

That’s because, as the author, Uo Toyo, said in X,

he had a strong desire to end the series with volume 8.

In addition, in an interview with Real Sound Tech, the author said the following about his manga production style.

I’m the type of person who thinks out the overall story before I start writing, so 10 volumes is the limit.

Based on the above, it seems likely that the author, Uo Toyo, wanted to make it 8 volumes, so it cannot be said that the series was canceled.

Spoiler alert for the ending of the final episode of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite”!

In the final episode of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite”, all of the characters who have inherited the knowledge of the heliocentric theory from volumes 1 to 7 lose their lives for the heliocentric theory.

And Novak, who had persecuted the heliocentric theory, was told that there was no evidence that the heliocentric theory was heresy, so he set fire to the building and died.

At this point, all the characters from the fictional kingdom of P are wiped out.

The setting then changes from P to the Kingdom of Poland in 1468,

where the main character is Albert Brzewski.

Rafał, a young man, reappears, having been arrested for the murder of Brzewski’s father.

As Brzewski was walking through town, having decided to go to university in the pursuit of knowledge,

he heard people talking about how a mysterious book had arrived at their homes. The title of the book was “On the Motion of the Earth.”

Brzewski was left feeling confused.

In 1482, he wrote a commentary on the then-current astronomy textbook, A New Theory of the Planets, which continued to be widely studied at universities.

In 1491, one of the students at the university who studied astronomy using his commentary was a young man named Copernicus.

With this explanation, the final episode of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” concludes.


Thank you for reading “Was the final episode of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” bad? Rumors of cancellation and spoilers about the ending!” to the end.

This time, I’ve summarized the final episode of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite”

The Rafal who reappears in the final episode of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” is not the same person as the Rafal in volume 1.

The final episode of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” makes Albert Brzewski the protagonist, connecting it to historical fact.

It seems that the author Uo Toyo wanted to make the final episode of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” 8 volumes, so it is not canceled.

The ending of the final episode of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” switches from the fictional history of “Chi: Chikyū no Undō ni Tsuite” to historical fact.


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