Nezuko: Why were you able to overcome the sun?Why doesn’t the demon appear after that?

Nezuko Kamado, the heroine of Kimetsu no yaiba.

Nezuko becomes a demon after being attacked by kibutsuji muzan.

Nezuko, who has become a demon, has the weakness of not being able to walk under the sun because he gets burned by the sun.

The scene in which Nezuko overcomes the sun in the final episode of the anime “Kimetsu no yaiba Katanakajinosato Hen” became a hot topic.

Why on earth was Nezuko able to overcome the sun?Some people may be concerned about this.

I’m also curious as to why the demons stopped appearing after Nezuko conquered the sun.

So, this time we investigated the following about why Kimetsunoyaiba’s Nezuko Kamado was able to overcome the sun!

  • Why was Nezuko of Kimetsunoyaiba able to overcome the sun?
  • Why no demons appear after Kimetsu no yaiba’s Nezuko overcomes the sun?

So, I will be delivering an article titled “Nezuko: Why were you able to overcome the sun?Why doesn’t the demon appear after that?”.


Why was Nezuko able to overcome the sun?

Kimetsu no yaiba’s Nezuko is burned by the sun in the final episode of Katanakajinosatohen and suffers terrible burns all over her body, but she overcomes the sun in the end.

Even though he was burned, Nezuko was able to overcome the demon’s weakness, the sun, because of his desire to help his brother.

However, the reason why Nezuko was able to overcome the sun was not explained in the main story or in the official fan book.

So, I decided to consider whether Nezuko was able to overcome the sun.

Is there a special demon that allowed Nezuko to overcome the sun?

I think Nezuko from Kimetsu no yaiba was a special demon that didn’t eat people, which helped him overcome the sun.

Humans who have become demons become stronger by attacking and eating people, and their demonization progresses further.

If they do not eat human blood and flesh, they will transform into something far from human.

Even if Nezuko becomes a demon, he does not attack humans because he has the will not to be controlled by demons.

Therefore, Nezuko may have been able to overcome the sun by becoming a special demon that does not attack humans even when turned into a demon.

Is Nezuko’s belief the reason why she was able to overcome the sun?

For Nezuko Kamado of Kimetsu no yaiba, I believe that the belief of “for someone else” was what enabled him to overcome the sun.

Nezuko has always acted based on the belief that even though he turned into a demon, it was not for himself, but for someone else.

Nezuko understands that if exposed to sunlight, he will turn to ash and die.

I think Nezuko was able to overcome the sun because she had the determination to protect someone even though she was afraid of the sun.

Therefore, I will discuss how Nezuko was able to overcome the sun by acting out of faith “for someone else”.

Is Nezuko’s family history the reason why she was able to overcome the sun?

I think Nezuko Kamado of Kimetsu no yaiba was the reason why the Hinokamikagura family was able to overcome the sun.

The Kamado family is a family that has passed down the dance form of Hinokami Kagura.

Also, other than Nezuko Kamado, no other demon has appeared in 1000 years that has conquered the sun.

It is thought that Nezuko Kamado was able to overcome the sun by having a family lineage that passed down the dance form of Hinokami Kagura.

Therefore, I think that Nezuko Kamado was able to overcome the sun thanks to her Hinokami Kagura lineage.

Why no demons appear after Nezuko overcomes the sun?

Demons will no longer appear after Kimetsu no yaiba’s Nezuko Kamado overcomes the sun.

The reason why demons no longer appear is as follows.

  • With Nezuko overcoming the sun, Muzan Kibutsuji no longer needs to create new demons.
  • With Nezuko overcoming the sun, Muzan Kibutsuji no longer needs to study the blue spider lily.

This is the reason why demons stopped appearing after Nezuko Kamado conquered the sun.

When Nezuko Kamado overcomes the sun and becomes a special demon, Muzan Kibutsuji sets out to absorb her.

In what manga volume and episode is the scene where Nezuko turns back into a human?

In the original manga by Kimetsu no yaiba, the scene in which Nezuko Kamado returns to a human is depicted in volume 17, episode 147, “Small Gears.”

Nezuko Kamado was able to return to being human because Tamayo administered medicine to Nezuko.

Nezuko Kamado is given a medicine to turn her into a human, but she suffers for half a day.

However, Nezuko Kamado was able to overcome her suffering and return to being human.


Thank you for watching “Nezuko: Why were you able to overcome the sun?Why doesn’t the demon appear after that?” until the end.

This time, I have summarized the reasons why Nezuko Kamado from Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba was able to overcome the sun.

Nezuko is able to overcome the sun, but the exact reason why she was able to overcome it was not revealed.

Why demons stopped appearing after Nezuko Kamado conquered the sun in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba

  • Muzan Kibutsuji no longer needs to create new demons.
  • Muzan Kibutsuji no longer needs to study the blue spider lily.

It turns out that demons no longer appear for the reasons mentioned above.

By overcoming the sun, Nezuko Kamado has transformed into a special demon and is now able to speak.

However, because he has become a special demon, he is targeted by Muzan Kibutsuji.

What kind of strategy will Tanjiro take against Muzan Kibutsuji in order to protect his sister Nezuko?

I would like to make Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba more exciting by focusing on the battle between siblings.

I would like to make Kimetsu no yaiba more exciting while paying attention to the battle between the brothers and sisters.


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