Does Ryomen Sukuna like Fushiguro Megumi?What is the reason or purpose for helping?【Jyujyutsukaisen】

Ryomen Sukuna is ruthless, but for some reason he has always treated Fushiguro Megumi in a special way.

Viewers are also making comments online, such as, Does Ryomen Sukuna like Fushiguro Megumi?''Does Sukuna support Fushiguro Megumi?” “Does Sukuna like Megumi?”

Let’s dig deeper into the reasons and purposes why Ryomen Sukuna patronizes Fushiguro Megumi.

Therefore, this time I have summarized the following about Ryomen Sukuna from Jujutsu Kaisen.

  • Does Ryomen Sukuna like Fushiguro Megumi?【Jyujyutsukaisen】
  • What is the reason and purpose of Ryomen Sukuna helping Fushiguro Megumi?【Jyujyutsukaisen】

We will be delivering an article titled “Does Ryomen Sukuna like Fushiguro Megumi?What is the reason or purpose for helping?【Jyujyutsukaisen】”.


Does Ryomen Sukuna like Fushiguro Megumi?What is the reason or purpose for helping?【Jyujyutsukaisen】

The reason why Ryomen Sukuna patronizes Fushiguro Megumi in Jujutsu Kaisen seems to be because Ryomen Sukuna likes Fushiguro Megumi’s techniques.

In episode 5 of the Jujutsu Kaisen anime, when Ryomen Sukuna and Fushiguro Megumi fought, it was seen that Ryomen Sukuna was interested in Fushiguro Megumi’s technique.

Ryomen Sukuna kills people in cold blood, but this time he let Fushiguro live instead of killing him.

Since then, Ryomen Sukuna has often given Fushiguro Megumi special treatment by helping her.

What is the reason and purpose of Ryome Sukuna helping Fushiguro Megumi?【Jyujyutsukaisen】

In chapter 212 of the Jujutsu Kaisen manga, Ryomen Sukuna was incarnated into Fushiguro Megumi.

From this, we understand that the reason Ryomen Sukuna helped Fushiguro Megumi was so that Ryomen Sukuna could incarnate into Fushiguro Megumi.

Why did Ryomen Sukuna incarnate into Fushiguro Megumi?【Jyujyutsukaisen】

The reason Ryomen Sukuna of Jujutsu Kaisen was incarnated into Fushiguro Megumi is thought to be so that he can use Fushiguro Megumi’s technique “TOKUSANOKAGRBOUJYUTSU”.

There are two possible reasons why Ryomen Sukuna turned his attention to TOKUSANOKAGRBOUJYUTSU.

  • To compete with Gojo Satoru.
  • Because Ryomen sukuna is aiming for a complete resurrection in his own body.

Is Gojo Satoru the reason why Ryomen Sukuna was incarnated into Fushiguro Megumi?

Even to the most powerful cursed spirit in history, Ryomen Sukuna, the most powerful magician in modern times, Gojo Satoru, was a threat.

The reason why Gojo Satoru is the strongest is because he has both “MUKAGENJYUJYUTSU(無下限呪術)” and “RIKUGAN(六眼)”.

Once, when a magician with “MUKAGENJYUJYUTSU and RIKUGAN” and a magician using “TOKUSANOKAGEBOUJYUTSU(十種陰法術)” fought, both died and there was no winner.

For this reason, Ryomen Sukuna may have thought that if he could use “TOKUSANOKAGEBOUJYUTSU”, he would be able to compete with Gojo Satoru, who had “MUKAGENJYUJYUTSU and RIKUGAN”.

Is the reason why Ryomen Sukuna was incarnated into Fushiguro Megumi to be resurrected in a perfect form?


One of the TOKUSANOKANDAKARA, MAKARUKAHESHINOTAMA (死返玉), seems to have the effect of resurrecting the dead.

Because of this, it is said that Ryomen Sukuna may be aiming for a complete resurrection.

Ryomen Sukuna will be able to show his true potential if he can revive in full form.

If this happens, there is no doubt that it will become a major threat to the sorcerer side(Jyujyutsushi).


Thank you for watching”Does Ryomen Sukuna like Fushiguro Megumi?What is the reason or purpose for helping?【Jyujyutsukaisen】”until the end.

The reason Ryomen Sukuna was helping Fushiguro Megumi was to incarnate into Fushiguro Megumi.

The reason why Ryomen Sukuna was incarnated into Fushiguro Megumi is thought to be so that he can use TOKUSANOKAGEBOUJYUTSU.

Why did Ryomen Sukuna pay attention to TOKUSANOKAGEBOUJYUTSU?

  • Opposing Gojo Satoru
  • Resurrection in full form

This is probably because it becomes possible.

The threat of Ryomen Sukuna has finally come to the surface.

The stormy developments have continued non-stop since SHIBUYAJIHEN, and it looks like things will get even more intense from here on out.


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