What is the pattern on Uzui Tengen’s left eye? Why did it become so flashy?

Uzui Tengen is a popular character from Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba.

Some of you may have wondered about the pattern on Uzui Tengen’s left eye.

It’s also interesting that, among the Pillars, he has a strange penchant for flashy things.

So, here we have summarized the following about Uzui Tengen from Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba.

  • What is the pattern on Uzui Tengen’s left eye?
  • Why has Uzui Tengen become so flashy?

This article is titled “What is the pattern on Uzui Tengen’s left eye? Why did it become so flashy?” and will explore this issue.


What is the pattern on Uzui Tengen’s left eye?

The pattern on Uzui Tengen’s left eye has not been officially revealed.

However, upon further investigation, it was discovered that the pattern in Uzui Tengen’s left eye is similar to the Maeda family crest.

What is the Maeda family crest?

The family crest of Maeda Toshiie The Maeda clan’s family crest is said to be the “Kaga Umebachi”.

The Maeda clan of Kaga claimed to be descendants of Sugawara no Michizane, so their family crest is said to have been the “Umebachi” crest associated with Michizane.

The Umebachi crest is a family crest with five circles resembling the petals of a plum blossom.

When we think of the Maeda family, we think of the eccentric Maeda Keiji, but isn’t Uzui Tengen also a eccentric from Demon Slayer?

Perhaps Uzui Tengen is modeled after Maeda Keiji.

Why has Uzui Tengen become so flashy?

Uzui Tengen’s most notable features are his flashy appearance and catchphrases.

She wears a gemstone forehead protector, punk-style makeup, and golden arms and bracelets.

She also has a very flashy personality, to the point of calling herself the “god of flashiness” (= the god of festivals).

Furthermore, he has a habit of saying “flashy” and uses this word in a variety of situations.

The reason why Uzui Tengen is so obsessed with flashiness lies in his past.

Uzui Tengen was raised as a ninja, but rebelled against the customs and became a runaway ninja.

However, when it comes to ninjas, their defining feature is their stealth, making them the complete opposite of flashy.

During his time as a ninja he lived a modest life.

When he left that life he was so dissatisfied that his rebellious attitude led him to become as flashy as he is now.


Thank you for reading “What is the pattern on Uzui Tengen’s left eye? Why did it become so flashy?” to the end.

This time, I have summarized the pattern in Uzui Tengen’s left eye.

It was discovered that the pattern on Uzui Tengen’s left eye resembles the Kaga plum blossom, the Maeda family crest.

I thought that perhaps the model for Uzui Tengen was Maeda Keiji of the Maeda clan, but what do you think?


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